Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - Raphael

Friday, March 25, 2011

Featured Pico : NOELLE~!

Today I'm here to tell you about my wonderful friend and also my one and only online twin sister ;D
She has many many talents,
such as changing her room 24/7,
changing her clothes 24/7,
makes mazes,
and many other attributes that describe her.
She's kinda the "cheer you up when you're sad" type of person
She doesn't like drama, depression from others, and perverts~Not many people enjoy perverts...
And the sad thing...she's gonna be gone for a whole month. . .
So if you ever get to meet her she will most likely be one of the kindest people on Pico...~
Her username : ╰☆╮ⓟⓞⓟ©ⓞⓡⓝ™

So baii Elle~See you next month...On Saturday that is...;D

Photoshoot :

At Elle's Maze~

At one of my "Favourited" houses...with cake ;P

In my house~On cloudss
At one of Elle's favourite houses~

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